Saturday, October 19, 2013

Project Organized: Upcycled Antique Cabinet

 I have a thing for antiques. Anything vintage really. It's classic. The latest version of my bedroom at my parent's house is all antiques, mostly from my family members. Beautiful collectibles and being surrounded by items that were treasured by those I loved is my idea of a perfect room.

I didn't bring a lot of those items to our home when I moved in because we have limited room. BUT, I was recently gifted with a gorgeous antique curio cabinet and I made room for it after a little suggestion from my mom that made a big difference:
Upcycle it. Line it with fabric and use it for storage. I pinned a bunch of pins on your pinterest with pictures you can look at.
Shut the front door. Sheer genius, that woman.

Here's the before:  {Notice the wall color changes in these pics - more on that later!}

Zoe thought she had a new perch to hang out on...

I bought fabric with typewriters and typewriter keys (eeek!!!!) printed on it from Etsy, lined the inside of the cabinet with adhesive, cut the pieces to cover the glass, and stuck the fabric on the adhesive. And voila:

Upcycled Craft Cabinet that hides all of my goodies!

And displays typewriters for that photo. How fun!

Later on, I moved it to another wall and now the tv sits on it ;)

The best part: It holds a TON of stuff and it hides it!

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