Monday, October 21, 2013

Project Organized: Project Life

We interrupt this five month blog posting sabbatical to bring you the latest on what is going on at The Guin's: ORGANIZING! Everything.
As you know, I love Project Life. Especially the album sitting on our coffee table in the living room. I LOVE that when we have visitors, they always sit down and start flipping through it. Our memories, our life, recorded.

But I am behind, and I don't love that. I have completed through June, which is great, but it's October. So my goal by the end of the month of October is to catch up. On Saturday night, I took a step in the right direction -- I organized ALL of my Project Life supplies.

This is what I started with. A few boxes, random bags of cards, edge rounders, and no organization. It was driving me crazy. I had no clue what I had.

So I dumped the cards out of my Blush kit and started organizing them by types, i.e. calendar, grey based, pink based, cover cards, etc.

Then, I dropped them into labeled zip bags. This is AWESOME because they stay in their stacks, and I can fan them out and see them on both sides. (See also: OCD)

After they were all in their little baggies, I put them in my new Initials, Inc. divider bag - the Get a Grip (small). It's a game changer. I can just pull them out when I need them! {Side note: Kristy that sold me the bag is the same friend that got me hooked on Project Life}

In the awesome side pockets, I stuck my edge rounders, washi tape, date stamp, and 4x6 cards.

Lastly, I put ALL of my PL pages in an extra album I had. I added dividers, so it's easy to look at and see what I have or am running low on. I also discovered I probably won't need to buy ANY design A pages for two years. HAHA. Oops.

Do you think there is a Type A personality and Layout A relation? I do!

And this, my friends, is what I ended up with:

A bag, a binder, and totally organized and useable.

And pretty.

Time to catch up on Project Life, I have no excuses now! :)
And maybe my blog, too.


  1. I'm obSESSed. This is great!! I just might have to get one of those bags!

  2. Love it...and such a great use of our products!!
