Thursday, February 21, 2013

Product Review: Otter Creek Man Care

I was at a loss about what exactly to get Sam for Valentine's Day this year. I kept looking around and there isn't anything we really need, which is a blessing, but doesn't make gift finding easier. Then one night while shopping at Cosmetic Market, I ran across this great, manly man skincare line: Otter Creek.


What initially got my attention was the bar of soap -- it said FIRE! Perfect for a firefighter. They had a bundled package with the body wash and shampoo with a RealTree koozie. What a great idea!

The products smell great - they are manly but clean and not overwhelming, and Sam said he really liked the way the soap had a little "Grainy" feel to it (to exfoliate). I was nervous he wouldn't be thrilled I bought him soap stuff for Valentine's Day but he seemed to really like it. He put it in the shower immediately and has been using it ever since! 

So I would say it's hubby approved. :)