Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Different Egg Hunt & Easter Decor

Easter is quickly approaching this year! For some reason I was thinking it was in April, but it's actually in about two weeks! So I had to get my specialty holiday fun rear in gear and get this house "springified!

Today I was working on a basket liner (scroll down for the rest on that) and I came up with this great Eastery way to have fun and encourage my husband! Hide your Easter eggs like you always do -- but change it up a little bit. Instead of putting candy in every egg, I am going to put something that I love the most about Sam in each egg written on pretty scrapbook paper. Of course I will still get some candy, but I think he will like the sweet notes even better than the sweet treats!

To help get us in the Spring and Easter spirit (besides the beautiful sunshine!!!) I switched the pine cones out of the giant apothecary jars and replaced the with eggs (that match our painting! It really pops with those bright colors beside it!)

AND I made this super cute basket liner for the basket on our table! 

Sarah sent me a link to one on Etsy and asked if I could make them so I experimented with this tiny basket for our table. I am going to make a bigger version for my parents and then make my sweet nephews one, too! The boy's (how fun is THAT to say!) will have their names on them though instead of 'Hoppy Easter' :)

Super excited about Spring, and of course, Easter. I think we might color some real eggs, too! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I love this idea about the eggs and the hubby. May have to do it this year. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Katie from
